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New York 50A/ 50B Forum

Award Adjustments

    The Indexing of Discount Rates to 10-Year Treasury Rates – The article summarizes and discusses the impact of continued low discount rates and proposes a compromise to achieve timely and fair resolution. It is also an update of the impact of 10 Year Treasuries for the latest auction results and daily yields through the February 2012 auction.

    Treatment of Pain and Suffering – A detailed discussion of of the Treatment of Pain and Suffering in Wrongful Death and Personal Injury cases under Articles 50A and 50B.

    The Calculation and Application of Collateral Source Offsets – A discussion of the application and calculation of Collateral Source offsets.

    Application of Interest in Article 50 Cases – A detailed discussion of of the Treatment of the application of Pre-verdict, Pre-judgment and Pre-payment Interest and the treatment of interim payments.

Award Adjustments

    New York Article 50 Award and Valuation – A simple outline of the provisions of the Statutes and case decsions.

    New York Amended 50A Valuation Dilemma – A description of the Award, verdict valuation and post-verdict adjustments under Amended 50A, together with examples of the output.

    New York 50B Valuation Dilemma – A description of the Award, verdict valuation and post-verdict adjustments under 50B, together with examples of the output.

    New York Original 50A Valuation Dilemma – A description of the Award, verdict valuation and post-verdict adjustments under Original 50A, together with examples of the output.

    New York 50A and 50B Resolution – A detailing of the documentation facilitating fair and timely resolution.

    Verdicts and Awards – As a result of case decisions, it appears that juries may be tasked with the more difficult task of passing on and applying variables associated Award elements. A solution may be interactive verdict worksheets.

    Valuation and Beyond – A description of the various features and subsystems within the various valuation packages and how we can help provide a strategic approach to Award resolution and deployment.

    System Operations - New York 50A Personal Injury – A description of how Medical Malpractice Personal Injury Awards are valued, how interest is calculated and how Award payment schedules are updated to the judgment and payment dates.

    System Operations - New York 50B Personal Injury – A description of how General Liability Personal Injury Awards are valued, how interest is calculated and how Award payment schedules are updated to the judgment and payment dates.

    System Operations - New York 50A Wrongful Death – A description of how Medical Malpractice Wrongful Death Awards are valued and how interest is calculated.

    System Operations - New York 50B Wrongful Death – A description of how General Liability Wrongful Death Awards are valued, how interest is calculated and how Award payment schedules are updated to the judgment and payment dates.

    Making The Complex Simple – A detailed discussion of an Award is developed and valued in accordance with Article 50, other statutory references and case decisions.